Publication List
1. Books
- W.R.Alexander and L.E.McKinley (eds) (2007). Deep geological disposal of radioactive wastes. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- W.M.Miller, W.R.Alexander, N.A.Chapman, I.G.McKinley and J.A.T.Smellie (1994) Natural analogue studies in the geological disposal of radioactive wastes. Studies in environmental science 57, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- W.M.Miller, W.R.Alexander, N.A.Chapman, I.G.McKinley, and J.A.T.Smellie (2000) Geological disposal of radioactive wastes and natural analogues. Waste management series, vol. 2, Pergamon, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- W.R.Alexander and I.G.McKinley (1999) The chemical basis of near-field containment in the Swiss high-level radioactive waste disposal concept. pp 47-69 in Chemical containment of wastes in the geosphere (eds R.Metcalfe and C.A.Rochelle), Geol.Soc.Spec.Publ. No. 157.
- W.R.Alexander, P.A.Smith and I.G.McKinley (2003) Modelling radionuclide transport in the geological environment: a case study from the field of radioactive waste disposal. Ch.5 pp 109-145 in Modelling Radioactivity in the Environment (ed E.M.Scott), Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- C. Biggin, A.Möri, W.R.Alexander, K.Ota, B.Frieg, W.Kickmaier and I.G.McKinley (2003) In situ radionuclide retardation in groundwater conducting systems: overview of the research carried out at Nagra's Grimsel Test site, central Switzerland. pp 207-228 in Environmental Radiochemical Analysis II (ed P.Warwick) RSC, London, UK.
- L.E.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2007) Introduction. Ch 1 in W.R.Alexander and L.E.McKinley (eds) (2007). Deep geological disposal of radioactive wastes. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander and P.C.Blaser (2007) Development of Geological Disposal Concepts. Ch 3 in W.R.Alexander and L.E.McKinley (eds) (2007). Deep geological disposal of radioactive wastes. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- W.R.Alexander, L.E.McKinley and I.G.McKinley (2007) A Look to the Future. Ch 10 in W.R.Alexander and L.E.McKinley (eds) (2007). Deep geological disposal of radioactive wastes. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2009) Coastal repositories in Volcanism, Tectonism and the Siting of Nuclear Facilities, C.B.Conner, N.A.Chapman and L.J.Conner (eds), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
2. Peer reviewed papers and technical reports
- W.R.Alexander (1985) Inorganic diagenesis in anoxic sediments of the Tamar estuary. Unpubl. PhD Thesis, University of Leeds, 268pp.
- W.R.Alexander, R.D.Scott, A.B.MacKenzie and I.G.McKinley (1988) A natural analogue study of radionuclide migration in a water conducting fracture in crystalline rock. Radiochim. Acta 44/45, pp283-298.
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander, C.Bajo, U.Frick, J.Hadermann, F.A.Herzog and E.Hoehn (1988) The radionuclide migration experiment at the Grimsel rock laboratory, Switzerland. Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XI, ppl79-187.
- R.C.Upstill-Goddard, W.R.Alexander, H.Elderfield and M.Whitfield (1989) Chemical diagenesis in the Tamar estuary. Contrib. Sedimentol. 16, ppl-49.
- J.Meyer, M.Mazurek and W.R.Alexander (1989) Ch 2 in The laboratory support for the Grimsel test site migration experiment, (ed. M.H.Bradbury). Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 88-23, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, R.D.Scott, A.B.MacKenzie and I.G.McKinley (1990a) Natural analogue studies in crystalline rock: the influence of water bearing fractures on radionuclide immobilisation in a crystalline rock repository. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 87-08, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander and T.Shimmield (1990) Microwave oven dissolution of geological materials: implications for natural decay series analyses. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 145, pp301-310.
- W.R.Alexander, I.G.McKinley, A.B.MacKenzie and R.D.Scott (1990b) Verification of matrix diffusion in granite by means of natural decay series disequilibria. Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XIII, pp567-576.
- W.R.Alexander & S.Aksoyoglu (1990). Report on a simple rock porewater extraction procedure carried out for the Nagra sediment study. Appendix 1 in C.Wittwer & I.G.McKinley (eds), Geochemical database for the sediment study intermediate report 1988. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 89-02, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- M.H.Bradbury, B.Baeyens and W.R.Alexander (1990) Experimental proposals for procedures to investigate the water chemistry, sorption and transport properties of marl. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 90-16, Nagra, Wettingen.
- P.Baertschi, W.R.Alexander and H.Dollinger (1991) Uranium migration in crystalline rock: capillary solution transport in the granite of the Grimsel test site, Switzerland. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 90-15, Nagra, Wettingen.
- W.R.Alexander (ed) (1992). A natural analogue study of cement buffered, hyperalkaline groundwaters and their interaction with a repository host rock. I: definition of source terms. Nagra Technical Report, NTB 91-10, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (1992) Constraints on the applicability of in situ distribution coefficient values. J. Environ. Rad. 15, ppl9-34.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (1992) A review of the use of natural analogues to test performance assessment models of a cementitious near field. Waste Manag. 12, pp253-259.
- W.R.Alexander and I.G.McKinley (1992) A review of the application of natural analogues in performance assessment: improving models of radionuclide transport in groundwaters. J. Geochem. Explor. 46, pp83-115.
- W.R.Alexander, M.H.Bradbury, I.G.McKinley, W.Heer, J.Eikenberg and U.Frick (1992) The current status of the radionuclide migration experiment at the Grimsel underground rock laboratory. Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XV, pp721-728.
- Frick, U., Alexander, W.R., Baeyens, B., Bossart, P., Bradbury, M.H., Bühler, Ch., Eikenberg, J., Fierz, Th., Heer, W., Hoehn, E., McKinley, I.G., Smith, A., 1992. Grimsel Test Site – The Radionuclide Migration Experiment: Overview of investigations 1985-1990. Nagra Technical Report NTB 91-04, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- H.N.Khoury, E.Salameh, I.D.Clark, P.Fritz, W.Bajjali, A.E.Milodowski, M.R.Cave and W.R.Alexander (1992) A natural analogue of high pH coment pore waters from the Maqarin area of northern Jordan I: introduction to the site. J. Geochem. Explor. 46, pp ll7-132.
- W.R.Alexander, R.Dayal, K.Eagleson, J.Eikenberg, E.Hamilton, C.M.Linklater, I.G.McKinley and C.J.Tweed (1992) A natural analogue of high pH pore waters from the Maqarin area of northern Jordan II: results of predictive geochemical calculations. J. Geochem. Explor. 46, pp l33-146.
- R.D.Scott, A.B.MacKenzie and W.R.Alexander (1992) The interpretation of 238U-234U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria produced by rock-water interaction. J. Geochem. Explor. 46, pp323-343.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (1993a) Assessment of radionuclide retardation: uses and abuses of natural analogues. J. Contam. Hydrol. 13, pp249-259.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (1993b) Comments on responses to our paper "Assessment of radionuclide retardation: uses and abuses of natural analogues". J. Contam. Hydrol. 13, pp271-275.
- W.R.Alexander (ed) (1994) A natural analogue study of cement buffered, hyperalkaline groundwaters and their interaction with a repository host rock I: definition of source terms. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 91-10, Nagra, Wettingen.
- W.R.Alexander and I.G.McKinley (1994) Constraints on the use of "in situ distribution coefficients (Kd)" values in contaminant transport modelling. Eclogae geol. Helv. 87/2, pp321-324.
- W.R.Alexander and W.M.Miller (1994) Natural analogues of bituminous waste - are there any? Proc. Fourth Inter. Conf. Chem. Migration Behaviour Actinides and Fission Products, Charleston, USA, 12-17/12/93, pp559-563.
- W.M.Miller, W.R.Alexander, N.A.Chapman, I.G.McKinley and J.A.T.Smellie (1994) Natural analogues revisited. Fourth Inter. Conf. Chem. Migration Behaviour Actinides and Fission Products, Charleston, USA, 12-17/12/93, pp559-563.
- H.Umeki, K.Hatanaka, W.R.Alexander, I.G.McKinley and U.Frick (1995) The Nagra/PNC Grimsel Test Site radionuclide migration experiment: rigorous field testing of transport models. Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XVIII, pp427-434.
- W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski, H.N.Khoury and E.Salameh (1995) Why go to Jordan to worry about Wellenberg? A study of the interaction between cement derived hyperalkaline water and sedimentary rocks. Schweiz. Miner. Petr. Mitt. 75, pp 467-468 (extended abstract).
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (1996) On the incorrect derivation and use of in situ retardation factors from natural isotope profiles. Radiochim Acta 74, pp 263-267.
- M.Mazurek, W.R.Alexander and A.B.MacKenzie (1996) Contaminant retardation in fractured shales: matrix diffusion and redox front entrapment. J.Contam. Hydrol. 21, pp 71-84.
- C.M.Linklater, Y.Albinsson, W.R.Alexander, I.Casas, I.G.McKinley and P.Sellin (1996) A natural analogue of high pH cement pore waters from the Maqarin area of northern Jordan: comparison of predicted and observed trace element chemistry of uranium and selenium. J.Contam. Hydrol. 21, pp 59-69.
- C.Degueldre, H.-R.Pfeiffer, W.R.Alexander, B.Wernli and R.Bruetsch (1996) Colloid properties in granitic groundwater systems. I: sampling and characterisation. Appl. Geochem. 11, pp677-695.
- J.A.T.Smellie, F.Karlsson and W.R.Alexander (1997) Natural analogue studies: present status and performance assessment implications. J.Contam. Hydrol. 26, pp3-17.
- I.G.McKinley, I.Hagenlocher, W.R.Alexander and B.Schwyn (1997) Microbiology in nuclear waste disposal: interfaces and reaction fronts. FEMS Microbiol.Rev. 20, pp545-556.
- W.R.Alexander, A.Gautschi and P.Zuidema (1998) Thorough testing of performance assessment models: the necessary integration of in situ experiments, natural analogues and laboratory work. Extended abstract in Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XXI, 1013-1014.
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander, A.Gautschi and H.N.Waber (1998) An approach to validation of solubility databases for performance assessment. Radiochim Acta 82, 407-412
- J.Eikenberg, M.Rüthi, W.R.Alexander, B.Frieg and T.Fierz (1998) The excavation project in the Grimsel Test Site: in situ high resolution gamma and alpha spectrometry of 60Co, 75Se, 113Sn, 152Eu, 235U AND 237Np/233Pa. Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XXI, 655-662.
- W.R.Alexander, C.Bühler, H.Dollinger, B.Frieg, P.Haag, A.Möri and K.Ota (1998) The study of radionuclide retardation in fractured rocks by means of in situ resin impregnation. Extended abstract in Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XXI, 1015-1016.
- W.R.Alexander, K.Ota, B.Frieg and I.G.McKinley (1998) The assessment of radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rocks. Extended abstract in Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XXI, 1065-1066.
- B.Frieg, W.R.Alexander, H.Dollinger, C.Bühler, P.Haag, A.Möri, and K.Ota (1998) In situ impregnation for investigating radionuclide retardation in fractured repository host rocks. J.Contam.Hydrol. 35, 115-130.
- W.R.Alexander, I.G.McKinley, C.M.Linklater, C.J.Tweed, S.Casas, S.Börjesson and P.Sellin (1998) Testing the limits of the applicability of thermodynamic databases. Ch. 12 in Linklater, C.M. (ed.), (1998) A natural analogue study of cement buffered, hyperalkaline groundwaters and their interaction with a repository host rock II Nirex Science Report, S-98-003, UKNirex, Harwell, Oxon., GB.
- H.N.Khoury, E.Salameh, M.Mazurek and W.R.Alexander (1998) Geology and hydrogeology of the Maqarin area. Ch. 2 in Smellie, J.A.T. (Ed.), (1998). Maqarin Natural Analogue Study: Phase III. SKB Technical Report TR-98-04, SKB Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, Stockholm, Sweden.
- P.D.Wetton, J.M.Pearce, W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski, S.Reeder, J.Wragg and E.Salameh (1998) The production of colloids at the cement/host rock interface. Ch. 10 in Smellie, J.A.T. (Ed.), (1998). Maqarin Natural Analogue Study: Phase III. SKB Technical Report TR-98-04, SKB Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, Stockholm, Sweden.
- W.R.Alexander, C.Bühler, H.Dollinger, B.Frieg, P.Haag, A.Möri and K.Ota (1998) The study of radionuclide retardation in fractured rocks by means of in situ resin impregnation. Extended abstract in Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XXI, 1015-1016.
- Frieg, B., Alexander, W.R., Dollinger, H., Bühler, C., Haag, P., Möri, A. & Ota, K. (1998). In situ resin impregnation for investigating radionuclide retardation in fractured repository host rocks. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 35, 115-130.
- W.R.Alexander, K.Ota, B.Frieg and I.G.McKinley (1998) The assessment of radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rocks. Extended abstract in Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XXI, 1065-1066.
- Alexander, W.R. & McKinley, I.G. (1999). The chemical basis of near-field containment in the Swiss high-level radioactive waste disposal concept. pp 47-69 in Chemical containment of wastes in the geosphere (eds R.Metcalfe and C.A.Rochelle), Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. No. 157, Geological Society of London, London, UK.
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander, H.Kawamura and H.Tsuchi (2001) Convergent evolution of high-level nuclear waste (HLW) in Switzerland and Japan: 31st Int. Geol. Congress 2000, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, Abstracts Volume.
- W.Kickmaier, W.R.Alexander, S.Vomvoris and I.G.McKinley (2001) Grimsel 2000 - status of international projects at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS). Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XXIV, 893-900
- K.Ota, W.R.Alexander, P.A.Smith, A.Möri, B.Frieg, U.Frick, H.Umeki, K.Amano, M.M.Cowper and J.A.Berry (2001) Building confidence in radionuclide transport models for fractured rock: the Nagra/JNC radionuclide retardation programme. Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XXIV, 1033-1041
- P.A.Smith, W.R.Alexander, W.Kickmaier, K.Ota, B.Frieg and I.G.McKinley (2001a) Development and Testing of Radionuclide Transport Models for Fractured Rock: Examples from the Nagra/JNC Radionuclide Migration Programme in the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. J. Contam. Hydrol. 47, 335-348 Also published in Japanese in JNC Technical Review 11, JNC TN1340 2001-006, JNC, Tokai, Japan
- P.A.Smith, W.R.Alexander, W.Heer, T.Fierz, P.M.Meier, B.Baeyens, M.H.Bradbury, M.Mazurek and I.G.McKinley (2001b) The Nagra-JNC in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rock I: The radionuclide migration experiment-overview of investigations 1990-1996. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 00-09, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- J.A.T.Smellie, W.R.Alexander, P.Degnan, L.Y.Griffault, U.K.Mäder and L.Trotignon (2001) The role of the Jordan natural analogue studies in the performance assessment of cementitious repositories for radioactive wastes. 10th Int. Water Rock Interaction Symposium, Villasimius, Italy. (June 10-15, 2001), 1391-1393.
- K.Ota and W.R.Alexander (2001) Development and testing of radionuclide transport models for fractured crystalline rock - an overview of the Nagra-JNC radionuclide retardation programme. in JNC Technical Review No. 11, JNC TN1340 2001-006, JNC, Tokai, Japan
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2002) Integration of TRU disposal studies in Switzerland. Waste Management 2002, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander, W.Kickmaier and C. Biggin (2002) Integrated programme of research into the behaviour of the clay engineered barrier: An example from Nagra's Grimsel Test Site [Abstract].- Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: International meeting, Reims, December 9-12, 2002: Abstracts. Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, 287-288.
- W.R.Alexander, K.Ota and B.Frieg (2003) Eds. The Nagra-JNC in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rock II: the RRP project methodology development, field and laboratory tests. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 00-06, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland
- A.Möri, W.R.Alexander, H.Geckeis, W.Hauser, T.Schaefer, J.Eikenberg, T.Fierz, C.Degueldre and T.Missana (2003) The Colloid and Radionuclide Retardation experiment (CRR) at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS): influence of bentonite colloids on radionuclide migration in a fractured rock. Colloids and Surfaces A , 217, 33-47
- A.Möri, M.Schild, S.Siegesmund, A.Vollbrecht, M.Adler, M.Mazurek, K.Ota, P.Haag, T.Ando and W.R.Alexander (2003). The Nagra-JNC in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rock IV: The in situ study of matrix porosity in the viscinty of a water-conducting fracture. Nagra Technical Report NTB 00-08, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- K.Ota , A.Möri , W. R.Alexander, B.Frieg and M.Schild (2003) Influence of the mode of matrix porosity determination on matrix diffusion calculations. J. Contam. Hydrol. 61, 131-145
- P.A.Smith, W.R.Alexander and F.B.Neall (2003) The findings of safety assessment in perspective. Ch 5 in F.B.Neall and P.A.Smith (eds) H12: examination of safety assessment aims, procedures and results from a wider perspective. Nagra Project Report NPB 01-32, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland. Also published as JNC Technical Report JNC TY1400 2004-001, JNC, Tokai, Japan.
- C.Biggin, W.R.Alexander, W.Kickmaier and I.G.McKinley (2003) Integrated programme of research into the behaviour of the clay engineered barrier: an example from Nagra's Grimsel Test Site. pp18-27 in Clays and natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement: experiments in underground laboratories. Reims, 9-12 December, 2002. Andra Science and Technology Report Series, Andra, Paris, France.
- W.Kickmaier, W.R.Alexander, B.Frieg and I.G.McKinley (2003) Building confidence in the performance of the geological barrier. EGS-AGU-EGU joint assembly 2003, Book of Abstracts.
- H.Geckeis, T.Schaefer, W.Hauser, Th. Rabung, T.Missana, C.Degueldre, A.Möri, J.Eikenberg, T.Fierz, and W.R.Alexander (2004) Results of the Colloid and Radionuclide Retardation (CRR) experiment at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS), Switzerland – impact of reaction kinetics and speciation on radionuclide migration. Radiochim Acta 92, 9-21
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander, W.Kickmaier and F.B.Neall (2004) The bentonite/cement interaction problem: Cutting the Gordian Knot. NUMO TR-04-05, NUMO, Tokyo, Japan.
- A.Möri (ed) (2004). The CRR final project report series I: description of the field phase – methodologies and raw data. Nagra Technical Report NTB 03-01, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- G.Kamei, W.R.Alexander and J.A.T.Smellie (2005) Overview of the Maqarin Natural Analogue Project: results from Phase I-III. JNC Technical Report JNC TN8400 2005-005 (in Japanese with English abstract), JNC, Tokai, Japan.
- W.R.Alexander, G.Kamei, J.A.T.Smellie (2005) A natural analogue of a cementitious repository: a brief overview of a study of unique sites in Jordan. Proc. IAEA Conf. Waste Manag., 2-6 October, 2005, Tokyo, Japan. IAEA Technical Report,304, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
- W.R. Alexander,W. Kickmaier, B. Frieg, I.G. McKinley (2005) Studies of hyperalkaline effects on clays in the near-field and far-field – present status and future requirements. Extended abstract in Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, International Meeting, March 14-18, 2005, Tours, France. Andra Technical Report, Andra, Paris, France.
- W.R.Alexander, W. Kickmaier, S. Vomvoris, K.Kaku and I.G.McKinley (2005) Nagra’s Grimsel URL: from underground testing to the demonstration of disposal systems. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM ’05), 4-8th September, 2005, Glasgow, Scotland. ASME, USA.
- A.Hooper, J.Mathieson, W.R.Alexander and M.Shiotsuki (2005) Review of international progress in transuranic and long-lived intermediate level waste disposal. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM ’05), 4-8th September, 2005, Glasgow, Scotland. ASME, USA.
- M.Mazurek, A.Gautschi, P.Marschall, W.R.Alexander, G.Vigneron, P.Lebon and J.Delay (2006) Transferability of features and processes from underground rock laboratories and natural analogues - Use for supporting the Swiss and French Safety Cases in argillacaeous formations. Proc. AMIGO II workshop, NEA, Paris, 2005. NEA/OECD, Paris, France.
- J. Mathieson, A. Hooper, W. R. Alexander, M. Shiotsuki and G. Kamei (2006) International Progress in developing cases for long-term safety of repositories for Transuranic and Long-Lived Intermediate Level Wastes: Summary of the Third International Workshop. Proceedings of WM’06 Conference, February 26- March 2, 2006, Tucson, AZ.
- W.R.Alexander, R.Gieré, H.Hidaka and H.Yoshida (2006) Natural immobilisation processes aid the understanding of long-term evolution of deep geological radioactive waste repositories. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 6, 3-4 Special issue on the Tono Analogue Project (TAP).
- W.R.Alexander and F.B.Neall (2007) Assessment of potential perturbations to Posiva’s SF repository at Olkiluoto caused by construction and operation of the ONKALO facility. Posiva Working Report 2007-35, Posiva, Olkiluoto, Finland.
- W.R.Alexander, C.A. Arcilla, I.G.McKinley, H.Kawamura, Y.Takahashi, K.Aoki and S.Miyoshi (2008a) A new natural analogue study of the interaction of low-alkali cement leachates and the bentonite buffer. Sci Basis Nucl Waste Manag XXXI, 493-500.
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander, C.A. Arcilla, H.Kawamura and Y.Takahashi (2008b) IPHAP: a new natural analogue of bentonite alteration by cement leachates, Proc. Int. Symp. Radiation Safety Management, Daejeon, Korea, 7-9 Nov. 2007, pp 492-498.
- W.R. Alexander, I.G. McKinley, C.A.Arcilla, Y.Takahashi, H. Kawamura, M.Yamakawa, and K. Aoki (2008c) Hyperalkaline Natural Analogue Potential in the Philippines. Proc. 2nd East Asia Forum on Radwaste Management (EAFORM) Conference, 20-23 October 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
- A.E.Milodowski, W.R.Alexander, C.A.Constantinou, M.Rigas, C.Tweed, P.Sellin, P.Korkeakoski, S.J.Kemp and J.C.Rushton (2009). Reaction of bentonite in low-alkali cement leachates: Preliminary results from the Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP). Proc. ICEM’09 Conference, Liverpool, UK, October, 2009, ASME, Washington, USA.
- W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski, C.A.Constantinou and I.G.McKinley (2009). Bentonite reaction in natural hyperalkaline groundwaters: examples from Cyprus. Extended abstract in Proc. 14th International Clay Conference, June 2009, ICC, Ottawa, Canada.
- W.R.Alexander, K.Ota and B.Freig (2009). The Nagra-JNC in situ study of safety relevant radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rock III: the RRP project final report. Nagra Technical Report NTB 00-07, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- Swanton, S., Alexander, W.R. and Berry, J.A. (2010). Review of the behaviour of colloids in the near field of a cementitious repository. Report to NDA-RWMD. Serco/TAS/000475/01, Serco, Didcot, UK.
- Ota, K., Amano, K., Niizato, T., Alexander W.R. and Yamanaka Y. (2010). Development of comprehensive techniques for coastal site characterisation (1) Strategic Overview. Proc. ICEM 2010 Conference, ASME, Washington, USA.
- Niizato, T., Amano, K., Ota, K., Kunimaru, T., Lanyon, B. and Alexander, W.R. (2010). Development of comprehensive techniques for coastal site characterisation: (3) Conceptualisation of long-term geosphere evolution. Proc. ICEM 2010 Conference, ASME, Washington, USA.
- N.Fujii, C.A.Arcilla, M.Yamakawa, C.Pascua, K.Namiki, T.Sato, N.Shikazono and W.R.Alexander (2010). Natural analogue studies of bentonite reaction under hyperalkaline conditions: overview of ongoing work at the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines. Paper No. ICEM2010-40022, pp. 41-50 (doi:10.1115/ICEM2010-40022). Proc. ICEM 2010 Conference, ASME, Washington, USA.
- G.Kamei, W.R.Alexander, I.D.Clark, P.Degnan, M.Elie, H.Khoury, U.Mäder, A.E.Milodowski, A.F.Pitty, E.Salameh, J.A.T.Smellie, I.Techer and L.Trotignon (2010). Natural analogues of cement: overview of the unique systems in Jordan. Proc. ICEM 2010 Conference, ASME, Washington, USA.
- Kunimaru, T., Ota, K., Alexander, W.R. and Yamamoto H. (2010). Groundwater/porewater hydrochemistry at Horonobe URL: Data Freeze I - preliminary data quality evaluation of boreholes HDB9, 10 and 11. JAEA Research Report 2010-035, JAEA, Tokai, Japan.
- W.R.Alexander and A.E.Milodowski (eds) (2011). Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP) Phase II Final Report. Posiva Working Report WR 2011-08, Posiva, Eurajoki, Finland.
- Alexander, W.R. Berry, J.A., Kelly, M.J. and Swanton, S. (2011). Review of colloids in the geosphere and their treatment in performance assessment. Report to NDA-RWMD. Serco/TAS/002924/01, Serco, Didcot, UK.
- Pitty, A.F. and Alexander, W.R. (eds), (2011).A natural analogue study of cement buffered, hyperalkaline groundwaters and their interaction with a repository host rock IV: an examination of the Khushaym Matruk (central Jordan) and Maqarin (northern Jordan) sites. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report 11-02 for NDA-RWMD. RWM Ltd, Harwell, UK. See
- C.A.Arcilla, C.S.Pascua and W.R.Alexander (2011) Hyperalkaline groundwaters and tectonism in the Philippines: significance to natural Carbon Capture and Sequestration. Proc. 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 19th-23rd September 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Energy Procedia 4, 5093-5100.
- W.R. Alexander, J.A.T. Smellie and A.F.Pitty (2011) Introduction. Ch 1 in Pitty, A.F. and Alexander, W.R. (eds), (2011).A natural analogue study of cement buffered, hyperalkaline groundwaters and their interaction with a repository host rock IV: an examination of the Khushaym Matruk (central Jordan) and Maqarin (northern Jordan) sites. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report 11-02, NDA-RWMD, Harwell, UK.
- W.R. Alexander (2011) Conclusions. Ch 7 in Pitty, A.F. and Alexander, W.R. (eds), (2011).A natural analogue study of cement buffered, hyperalkaline groundwaters and their interaction with a repository host rock IV: an examination of the Khushaym Matruk (central Jordan) and Maqarin (northern Jordan) sites. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report 11-02, NDA-RWMD, Harwell, UK.
- Amano, K., Niizato, T., Yokota, H., Ota, K., Lanyon, B. and Alexander, W.R (2011). Development of comprehensive techniques for coastal site characterisation: integrated palaeohydrogeological approach for development of site evolution models. Proc. ICEM 2011 Conference, Reims, France, September, 2011, ASME, Washington, USA.
- K.Ota, T.Kunimaru K.Amano and W.R.Alexander (2011). Development of Quality Management System for Site Characterisation Programmes – Experience in Japan. Proc. ICEM 2011 Conference, Reims, France, September, 2011, ASME, Washington, USA.
- T.Kunimaru, K.Ota, W.R.Alexander and H.Yamamoto (2011). Hydrochemistry of the groundwaters from JAEA’s Horonobe URL: Data Freeze II - preliminary evaluation of boreholes HDB1 to HDB8 and field manual for on-site practices. JAEA Report 2011-010, JAEA, Tokai, Japan.
- W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski and A.F.Pitty (eds) (2011). Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP) Phase III Final Report. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG11-01. Contractor’s report for the NDA-RWMD, NDA, Harwell, UK.
- W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski and A.F.Pitty (eds) (2012). Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP) Phase III Final Report. Posiva Working Report WR 2011-77, Posiva, Eurajoki, Finland.
- W.R.Alexander (2012). The impact of a hyperalkaline plume on fractured crystalline rock. Proc. NEA-IGSC Workshop on cementitious materials in safety cases for geological repositories for radioactive waste: role, evolution and interaction. Brussels, 17-20th November, 2009. Radioactive Waste Management, NEA/RWM/R(2012)3/REV, NEA/OECD, Paris, France.
- W.R.Alexander, C.A.Arcilla et al. (2012). Natural analogues of cement leachates: preliminary results and future opportunities from projects in the Philippines and Cyprus. Proc. NEA-IGSC Workshop on cementitious materials in safety cases for geological repositories for radioactive waste: role, evolution and interaction. Brussels, 17-20th November, 2009. Radioactive Waste Management, NEA/RWM/R(2012)3/REV, NEA/OECD, Paris, France.
- B.Fretwell, R.Ingram, J.McCord, A.Bath, W.R.Alexander & J.Tellam (2012). Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: Interpretation and modelling. A report for the NDA-RWMD by AMEC Environment and Infrastructure UK Limited, Shrewsbury, UK.
- W.R. Alexander, A.E. Milodowski, A.F.Pitty, S.Hardie, P.Korkeakoski, M.Rigas, P.Sellin and C.Tweed (2012). Reaction of bentonite in low-alkali cement leachates: results from the Cyprus Natural Analogue Project. Proc. Conf. Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Underpinning Science and Technology for Radioactive Waste 18 - 20 October 2011, Loughborough, UK. Mineralogical Magazine, December 2012, Vol. 76(8), pp. 3019–3022.
- Y.Tsukada, K.Fujita, R.Nakabayashi, T.Sato, T.Yoneda, M.Yamakawa , N.Fujii, K.Namiki, T.Kasama, R.Alexander, C.Arcilla and C.Pascua (2012). Natural analogue study for interaction between alkaline groundwater and bentonite at Mangatarem region in the Philippines. Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement – 5 (book of abstracts), Montpellier, September, 2012. ANDRA, Paris, France.
- Posiva (2013). Safety Case for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel at Olkiluoto – Complementary Considerations 2012. Posiva Report 2012-11, Posiva, Eurajoki, Finland.
- W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski, A.F.Pitty, S.M.L.Hardy, S.J. Kemp, J.C. Rushton, A.Siathas, A.Siathas, A.B.MacKenzie, P.Korkeakoski, S.Norris, P.Sellin and M.Rigas (2013). Bentonite reactivity in alkaline solutions: results of the Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP). Clay Mins 48, 235–249.
- W.R.Alexander, C.A.Arcilla, M.Nishimura and K.Namiki (2013). Bigbiga site description. Ch 3 in N.Fujii, M.Nishimura et al., Philippines Natural Analogue Project, RWMC 2012 Progress Report. RWMC, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese).
- W.R.Alexander (2013). An assessment of the long-term durability of proposed shaft seal materials under highly saline groundwater conditions using natural analogues. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR-13-04. Commercial-in-Confidence report to NWMO. Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, I.G.McKinley and H.Kawamura (2014a). The process of defining an optimal natural analogue programme to support national disposal programmes. Proc. NEA-GRS Workshop on natural analogues for Safety Cases of repositories in rock salt. 4 – 6 September, 2012, Braunschweig, Germany. Radioactive Waste Management NEA/RWM/R(2013) pp 29-43, NEA/OECD, Paris, France.
- C.P. Jackson, N.L. Jefferies, W.R. Alexander, J. Smith, B. Frieg, I. Gauss, S. Vomvoris, R. Metcalfe & R. Marsden (2014b). Sealing deep site investigation boreholes. Phase I report. AMEC Report 201257/002 Issue B, May 2014, for RWM Ltd, Harwell, UK.
- W.R.Alexander and A.E.Milodowski (eds) (2014). Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP) Phase IV Final Report. Posiva Working Report WR 2014-02, Posiva, Eurajoki, Finland.
- M.Sidborn, N.Marsic, J.Crawford, S.Joyce, L.Hartley,
A.Idiart, L.M. de Vries, F.Maia, J.Molinero, U.Svensson, P.Vidstrand and W.R.Alexander (2014). Potential alkaline conditions for deposition holes of a repository in Forsmark as a consequence of OPC grouting. SKB R-12-17, SKB, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Amano K., Semba T., Makino H., Hama K., Mizuno T., Seo T., Kickmaier W., Hardie S.M.L., McKinley I.G., McKie D., Neall F.M., McKinley L., Takase H. and Alexander W.R. (2015). CoolRepH26: Integrated R&D report for supporting safety case development. ANS 2015 IHLRWM International High Level Radioactive Waste Management. 12th – 16th April, 2015, Charleston, USA.
- Reijonen, H.M., Alexander, W.R., Marcos, N., Lehtinen, A. (2015). Complementary considerations in Posiva’s safety case - support from natural analogues and natural systems. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 108, 111-120. DOI 10.1007/s00015-015-0181-4
- Alexander, W.R., Reijonen, H.M., McKinley, I.G. (2015b). Natural analogues: studies of geological processes relevant to radioactive waste disposal in deep geological repositories. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 108, 75-100. DOI 10.1007/s00015-015-0187-y
- Reijonen, H.M. and Alexander, W.R. (2015). Bentonite analogue research related to geological disposal of radioactive waste – current status and future outlook. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 108, 101-110. DOI 10.1007/s00015-015-0185-0
- A.E. Milodowski, W.R. Alexander, J.M. West, R.P Shaw, F.M. McEvoy, J.M. Scheidegger and L.P. Field (2016). A Catalogue of Natural Analogues for Radioactive Waste Management. BGS Commissioned Report CR/15/106, BGS, Keyworth, UK. See
- N.L. Jefferies, S. Joyce, V. Tsitsopoulos, W.R. Alexander, L. Börgesson, O. Karnland, T. Sanden, I. Gaus, S. Vomvoris, R. Metcalfe, R. Marsden & F. Groff (2016). Sealing site investigation boreholes. Phase II Annual Report for 2014/2015. RWM Ltd Report RWM/03/046, RWM Ltd, Harwell, UK.
- Milodowski, A.E., Norris, S. & Alexander, W.R. (2016). Minimal alteration of montmorillonite following long-term reaction in natural alkali solutions: implications for geological disposal of radioactive waste. Appl. Geochem. 66, 184-197.
- W.R.Alexander, H.M.Reijonen & H.Takano (2017). Long-term performance of bentonite (LPB): potential load displacement of the bentonite buffer around radioactive waste containers. Phase III – Final Report. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG TR 16-01, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- Alexander, W.R., Reijonen, H.M., MacKinnon, G., Milodowski, A.E., Pitty, A.F. & Siathas, A. (2017). Assessing the long-term behaviour of the industrial bentonites employed in a repository for radioactive wastes by studying natural bentonites in the field. Geosciences Special Issue on Geological Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste - The Relationship between Engineered and Natural Barriers, eds. R.Lunn, S.Harley, S.Norris & J.Martinez-Frias. Geosciences 7, 5; doi:10.3390/geosciences7010005
- Alexander, W.R., Börgesson, L., Hedström, M., Jefferies, N. and Wilson, J. (2018). Sealing Site Investigation Boreholes: Phase 2. Aspects of the evolution and longevity of bentonite seals. Amec Foster Wheeler Report 202580/09 Issue A for RWM Ltd, Harwell, UK.
- Alexander. W.R. (2018). Sealing site investigation boreholes: Phase 2. The use of natural, industrial and archaeological analogues in support of the borehole sealing project, Amec Foster Wheeler Report 202580/07 for RWM Ltd, Harwell, UK.
- N.Jefferies, A.Hoch, V.Tsitsopoulos, W.R.Alexander, L.Börgesson, M.Hedström, O.Karnland, T.Sandén, M.Crawford, M.White, B.Frieg, S.Vomvoris, R.Metcalfe & J.Wilson (2018). Contractor Report to RWM Sealing Deep Site Investigation Boreholes: Phase 2. Final Report January 2018. AMECFW Report 202580/14 Issue A to RWM. RWM Ltd., Harwell, UK.
- Alexander, W.R. (2022). The oldest steel in the world? A first look. In Alexander, W.R. & Havlova, V. (eds), Proc. NAWG-15 Workshop, Prague, 22-25 May, 2017. NAWG-15 Proceedings, NAWG, Auenstein, Switzerland (in press).
- Alexander, W.R., Jefferies, N. & Norris, S. (2022). The use of natural, industrial and archaeological analogues in support of deep borehole seal design. In Alexander, W.R. & Havlova, V. (eds), Proc. NAWG-15 Workshop, Prague, 22-25 May, 2017. NAWG-15 Proceedings, NAWG, Auenstein, Switzerland (in press).
- Reijonen, H.M., Ito, M. & Alexander, W.R. (2022). International Bentonite Longevity (IBL) project: an introduction. Proc. NAWG-15 Workshop, Prague, 22-25 May, 2017. NAWG-15 Proceedings, NAWG, Auenstein, Switzerland (in press).
- Alexander, W.R. (2022). More realistic treatment of long-term cement degradation: support from ancient natural cements. In Alexander, W.R. & Havlova, V. (eds), Proc. NAWG-15 Workshop, Prague, 22-25 May, 2017. NAWG-15 Proceedings, NAWG, Auenstein, Switzerland (in press).
- Alexander, W.R. & Reijonen, H.M. (2022). Natural Analogues – a catalogue. GTK Research Report for NWS Ltd (UK). GTK, Espoo, Finland. (in press).
- Reijonen, H.M. & Alexander, W.R. (2022). Natural Analogues – strategy for implementation for NWS programme of geological disposal. GTK Research Report for NWS Ltd (UK). GTK, Espoo, Finland. (in press).
- Alexander, W.R., Pitkänen, P., Lamminmäki T., Koskinen, L., Poteri, A, Aaltonen, I. Eichinger, F., Siitari-Kauppi, M., Sammaljärvi, J., Sahlstedt, E. & Karhu, J. (2022). Palaeohydrogeochemical data, concepts and interpretation for the Olkiluoto site. Posiva Report 2021-13. Posiva, Eurajoki, Finland (in press).
- Posiva (2022). Safety Case for the Operating Licence Application - Complementary Considerations (CC). Posiva Report 2021-02. Posiva, Eurajoki, Finland (in press).
- Posiva (2022) Safety Case for the Operating Licence Application - Olkiluoto Site Description (OSD 2018). Posiva Report 2021-10. Posiva, Eurajoki, Finland (in press).
- Reijonen, H.M. & Alexander, W.R. (2022). International Bentonite Longevity (IBL) Project Phase A. Jacobs (UK) report for Nuclear Waste Services Ltd (UK). Jacobs, Didcot, UK (in press).
- Alexander, W.R., Reijonen, H.M. & Norris, S. (2022). Deep time in engineering – a brief history of capturing geological time scales for assessing safety of long-lived radioactive waste disposal. Sci Tot. Environ. (in prep.).
- Reijonen, H.M., Alexander, W.R. & Norris, S. (2022). Resilience in knowledge management – the case of natural analogues in radioactive waste management. J.Process Safety Environ. Protection (in prep.).
- Reijonen, H.M., Alexander, W.R. & Ito, M. (2022). Saturation processes in natural bentonite : implications for radioctive waste repository design. Clay Clay Mins. (in prep.).
3. Magazine/Newspaper Articles
- W.R.Alexander (1995) Natural cements: how can they help us safely dispose of radioactive waste? Radwaste Magazine 2, vol 5, Sept. 1995, pp61-69.
- H.N.Waber and W.R.Alexander (1995) Von Naturlichen Zement bis zum Endlager Beton. Schweiz. Techn. Zeitschrift 12/95, STV-Verlags AG, Zürich, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, B.Frieg, K.Ota and P.Bossart (1996) The RRP Project: Investigating Radionuclide Retardation in the Host Rock. Nagra Bulletin No. 27 (June, 1996), pp43-55.
- W.R.Alexander, B.Frieg, K.Ota and P.Bossart (1996) Das Projekt RRP: Untersuchung der Retardation von Radionukliden im Wirtgestein. Nagra Informiert Nr. 27 (Juni, 1996), pp43-55.
- J.Eikenberg, M.Ruethi, W.R.Alexander, B.Frieg and T.Fierz (1997) The Grimsel migration test site (GTS) excavation project: in-situ resolution gamma spectrometric analysis of Co-60, Se-75,Sn-113, Eu-152, U-235 and Np-237 / Pa-233.- Paul Scherrer Institut annual report 1996. Annex II: PSI Life Sciences and Institute for Medical Radiobiology Newsletter, 63.
- W.Kickmaier, S.Vomvoris, I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2005). Grimsel Test Site: challenges for the 21st century and beyond. European Geologist, 19 (June 2005), 19-22.
- W.R.Alexander (2011) On the road. Classic van and pick-up (April 2011), 22-24, Key Publishing, UK.
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander and H.Kawamura (2011). Assessing and managing tsunami risks. Nuclear Engineering International, October 2011, 14-17. NEI Magazine, Global Trade Media, Sidcup, UK.
4. Confidential/commercial reports and non-reviewed papers (conferences, workshops etc)
- W.R.Alexander, R.D.Scott, A.B.MacKenzie and I.G.McKinley (1987) Natural analogue studies at Grimsel, southern Switzerland. CEC Report EUR11037EN, Luxembourg.
- C.Degueldre, G.Longworth, V.Moulin, P.Vilks, W.R.Alexander, R.Bruetsch, J.Dearlove and B.Wernli (1988). Grimsel colloid sampling exercise: colloid sampling procedure at the Grimsel Test Site. PSI report TM-453-88-04, PSI, Würenlingen, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, R.Bruetsch and C.Degueldre (1989) Evaluation of colloidal population in (deep) sedimentary groundwaters of northern Switzerland. PSI report TM-43-89-11, PSI, Würenlingen, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, U.Frick, A.Gautschi and I.G.McKinley (1990c) Natural analogue studies in the radioactive waste research programme of Switzerland. CEC Report EUR13013EN, Luxembourg.
- W.R.Alexander and I.G.McKinley (1990) Natural analogues in performance assessment: improving models of radionuclide transport in groundwaters by studying the natural environment. CEC Report EUR13014EN, Luxembourg.
- W.R.Alexander, R.Bruetsch, C.Degueldre and B.A.Hofmann (1990d) Evidence of long distance transport of natural colloids in a crystalline rock groundwater. PSI report TM-43- 1990, PSI, Würenlingen, Switzerland..
- W.R.Alexander (1991). Redox state of the Grimsel Test Site (GTS) radionuclide migration experiment (MI) groundwater/rock system. Nagra Unpublished Internal Technical Note, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- U.Frick, W.R.Alexander and W.Drost (1992) The radionuclide migration experiment at Nagra's Grimsel underground test site-a comprehensive programme including field, laboratory and modelling studies. IAEA paper no. IAEA-SM-319/27 in Isotope Techniques im Water Resources Development 1991, IAEA, Vienna.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander, C.McCombie and P.Zuidema (1992) Application of results from the Pocos de Caldas project in the Kristallin I HLW performance assessment. in Proc. Las Vegas HLW Manag. Conference, 12-16 April, 1992.
- W.R.Alexander (1993) Assessment of conservative matrix diffusion depths (in crystalline rock) via studies of natural systems (a support document for the Kristallin- 1 safety assessment) in U.Frick, Beurteilung der diffusion im grundwasser von Kristallingesteinen. Nagra Unpublished Internal Report, Nagra, Wettingen.
- S.M.Pate, I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (1994) Use of natural analogue test cases to evaluate a new performance assessment TDB. CEC Report EUR15176EN, Luxembourg.
- W.R.Alexander, B.Frieg, S.A.Short, H.Kawamura and I.G.McKinley (1994) Model testing in the extreme? Excavation of the site of an in situ radionuclide migration experiment. Proc. "Focus '93" Conf. on Site Characterisation and Model Validation, Las Vegas, September,1993.
- W.R.Alexander, K.Hatanaka, H.Umeki and U.Frick (1994) The Nagra/PNC radionuclide migration experiment: first phase of the rigorous testing of a PNC transport model. Proc. Inter. Conf. Geological Disposal Rad. Waste, Tokai, November,1993. PNC Report, JAEA, Tokai, Japan.
- I.G.McKinley, A.Scholtis and W.R.Alexander (1994) The Nagra thermodynamic database: compilation, testing and application. Proc. Inter. Conf. Geological Disposal Rad. Waste, Tokai, November,1993. PNC Report, PNC, Tokyo.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (1996) The uses of natural analogue input in repository performance assessment: an overview. Proc. 6th NAWG Workshop, Santa Fe, Sept. 1994. CEC EUR Report EN16761, Luxembourg.
- W.R.Alexander, A.Gautschi and I.G.McKinley (1997) Overview of the Swiss natural analogue programme 1994. In H.von Maravic and J.A.T.Smellie, (eds), Proc. 6th NAWG Workshop, Santa Fe, Sept. 1994. CEC EUR Report EN16761, Luxembourg.
- W.R.Alexander and I.G.McKinley (1996) The chemical basis of the Swiss high-level radioactive waste disposal concept (near-field). Extended abstract in Proc. Min. Soc. Conf. Chem. Containment Wastes in the Geosphere, 3-4 September, 1996, Nottingham, UK.
- W.R.Alexander and M.Mazurek (1996) The Maqarin natural analogue: possible implications for the performance of a cementitious repository at Wellenberg. Nagra Unpublished Internal Report, Nagra, Wettingen.
- W.R.Alexander, I.G.McKinley, U.Frick and K.Ota (1997) The Grimsel field tracer migration experiment - what have we achieved after a decade of intensive work? OECD Proceedings: Workshop on Field Tracer Experiments (Role in the Prediction of Radionuclide Migration), Cologne, Germany, 28-30 August, 1996, NEA/OECD, Paris, France.
- W.R.Alexander, B.Frieg, K.Ota and P.Bossart (1997) The assessment of radionuclide entrapment in repository host rocks. OECD Proceedings: Workshop on Field Tracer Experiments (Role in the Prediction of Radionuclide Migration), Cologne, Germany, 28-30 August, 1996, NEA/OECD, Paris, France.
- W.R.Alexander and J.A.T.Smellie (1997) The Maqarin natural analogue project: an overview. Proc. 7th NAWG Workshop, Stein am Rhein, Sept. 1996. CEC EUR Report EN 17851, Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
- D.M.McKie, U.Mäder, W.R.Alexander, I.G.McKinley, H.Yoshida and K.Ota (1997) Development of a mechanistic model to interpret natural decay series disequilibrium data. 7th Meeting of the Natural Analogue Working Group, Stein am Rhein , CEC Report EUR 17851, pp.35-37, Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
- W.R.Alexander and J.A.T.Smellie (1998) Maqarin natural analogue project. ANDRA, CEA, Nagra, Nirex and SKB synthesis report on Phases I, II and III. Nagra Project Report NPB98-08, Nagra, Wettingen.
- W.R.Alexander, J.A.T.Smellie and I.Crossland (1998) Potential effects of hyperalkaline leachates on cementitious repository host rocks: an example from northern Jordan. Extended abstract in Proc. Min. Soc. Conf. Chem. Containment Wastes in the Geosphere, 3-4 September, 1996, Nottingham, UK.
- K.Ota, W.R.Alexander and B.Frieg (1998) Nagra/PNC field studies on radionuclide retardation in fractured crystalline rocks in the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. Abst. Ann. Meet. Atom.Energy Soc. Japan, 26-28 March, 1998.
- F. Neall and W.R.Alexander (1999) Examination of the potential effects of cement leachates on radioactive waste containment in a cementitious repository: overview report. Nagra Unpublished Project Report, Nagra, Wettingen.
- R.Sato, H.Grogan and W.R.Alexander (1999) An example of the application of the Nagra Scenarios Development Methodology to the proposed JNFL Rokkasho No. 3 repository. Nagra Unpublished Project Report NPB 99-16, Nagra, Wettingen.
- W. R. Alexander and W. Kickmaier (2000) Radionuclide retardation in water conducting systems - lessons learned in the research programme in the Grimsel Test Site/ Radionuklidretardation in wasserführenden Systemen - Erfahrungen aus den Untersuchungsprogrammen im Felslabor Grimsel. Sanierung der Hinterlassenschaften des Uranerzbergbaus (Chancen und Grenzen der geochemischen und Transport-Modellierung bei der Verwahrung von Uranbergwerken und bei der Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle), 5th Workshop (18 - 18 May, 2000), Dresden, Germany.
- J.M.West, W.M.Miller, I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2001) Confidence building in the Japanese radioactive waste disposal programme: the use of natural analogues. Nagra Unpublished Project Report NPB 01-04, Nagra, Wettingen.
- W.R. Alexander, K. Ando, A. Shimmura, W. Miller, J. West and H. Kawamura (2001) Using natural analogues in public communication. Poster presented at Earth Systems Conference, Edinburgh, June, 2001.
- F.B.Neall, L.Schlickenrieder and W.R.Alexander (2001) Establishing a long-term R&D/D&V programme for disposal of Japanese TRU wastes. Nagra Unpublished Project Report, Nagra, Wettingen.
- J. West, W.R. Alexander, K.Kaku, I.G.McKinley and A.Shimmura (2002) Communication of nuclear power concepts to stakeholders - the use of nature's own laboratories. Proceedings for NUCEF 2001 - Scientific Bases for Criticality Safety, Separation Process and Waste Disposal. 31 Oct to 2 Nov 2001, Tokai, Japan. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Report JAERI Conf 2002-004. pp 47 – 54, JAEA, Tokai, Japan.
- C.Biggin, A.Möri, W.R.Alexander, K.Ota, B.Frieg, W.Kickmaier and I.G.McKinley (2002) In situ Radionuclide Retardation in Groundwater Conducting Systems: Overview of the Research Carried out at Nagra's Grimsel Test site, Central Switzerland. Proceedings 9th International Symposium on Environmental Radiochemical Analysis, September 2002, Kent.
- H.von Maravic and W.R.Alexander (2002) eds 8th EC NAWG meeting: proceedings of an international workshop held in Strasbourg, France, from 23-25 March, 1999. EC EUR 19118 EN, Luxembourg.
- W.R.Alexander and P.Blaser (Eds) (2002) The use of technical natural analogues in radioactive waste disposal. Nagra Unpublished Project Report, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- L.McKinley, F.N.Neall and W.R.Alexander (2003) A study on technical information for natural analogues. Nagra Unpublished Project Report, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander and A.Möri (2003) Cementitious colloids: integration of laboratory, natural analogue and in situ field data. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 18(S1): A11, 159-160.
- P.A.Smith, W.R.Alexander and P.Gribbi (2003) The use and development of geosphere radionuclide transport codes in the Swiss radioactive waste management programme: a study on upgrading safety performance technology - case survey of the detailed analysis of the repository and its neighbourhood (Switzerland). Nagra Unpublished Project Report, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander (2003) in U.K.Mäder (Ed) Effect of high-pH fluids from cement degradation on Opalinus Clay. Nagra Unpublished Internal report NIB 02-44, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- Smith, P. A. (with contributions from W.R.Alexander, P.Gribi and I.G.McKinley) (2004): The Nagra Safety Assessment Methodology for Project Opalinus Clay: an Overview. Nagra Unpublished Project Report (for RWMC) NPB 03-17, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- P.A.Smith, I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2004) The Nagra Safety Assessment Methodology for Project Opalinus Clay: an Overview. Nagra Unpublished Project Report NPB 03-19, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- K.Kaku, P.Blaser, I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2004) TRU waste disposal - studies of possibilities in crystalline and sedimentary rocks in Switzerland. Nagra Unpublished Project Report, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- P.Blaser, I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander and F.Neall (2004) TRU – scenarios and alternative concepts. Nagra Unpublished Project Report, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- Nagra (2004) The Wellenberg Project for Cavern Disposal of L/ILW. Nagra Unpublished Project Report NPB 04-20, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- P.A.Smith, I.G.McKinley, J.Schneider and W.R.Alexander (2004) A study on upgrading safety assessment technology: handling of uncertainties in data, models and scenarios for safety assessment (Switzerland). Nagra Unpublished Project Report, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- I.G.McKinley, W.R.Alexander, H.Kawamura, I.Blechschmidt, R.Peterhans and P.Vogt (2006) NA synthesis. Part I: review of existing information and recommendations for future studies of relevance to the Japanese HLW/TRU deep disposal programme. Nagra Unpublished Project Report NPB 06-09, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, I.G.McKinley and A.B.MacKenzie (2007) Development of an optimised natural analogue programme to support the Japanese HLW/TRU disposal programme (Part 1), MCM-TR-07-01, MCM, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2007) Development of an optimised natural analogue programme to support the Japanese HLW/TRU disposal programme (Obayashi work components). MB-TR-07-01, McKinley Consulting/Bedrock Geosciences Report, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2007) Development of an optimised natural analogue programme to support the Japanese HLW/TRU disposal programme (Part 2), MCM-TR-07-02, MCM, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, C.A.Arcilla, M.Y.Calibo and I.G.McKinley (2008) Natural analogue of bentonite alteration by hyperalkaline water: field programme in the Philippines. MC-TR-08-02, McKinley Consulting Report, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- I.G.McKinley and W.R.Alexander (2008) Natural analogue synthesis: Fiscal Year 2007. MCM-TR-08-01, MCM, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- I.G.McKinley, J.M.West and W.R.Alexander (2008) Use of microbiological indicators to determine the hydrogeological stability of relevant geological settings. MC-TR-08-01, McKinley Consulting, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander & A.E.Milodowski (2008). Low-alkali cement leachate/bentonite interaction natural analogue study. Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP) Phase I. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG08-01, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- M. Yamakawa, W.R. Alexander, I.G. McKinley, C.A. Arcilla, Y. Takahashi and K. Namiki (2008) The potential in the Philippines for studying natural analogues of the interaction of low-alkali cement leachates and bentonite barriers in a radioactive waste repository. Proc. Japan-Korea Joint Meeting, 30th April – 1st May, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
- K.Ota, T.Kunimaru and W.R.Alexander (2009). Formalisation of a field manual for quality assurance for hydrochemical sampling. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (23rd – 25th March 2009), AESJ, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese).
- Kunimaru, T., Ota, K., Yamamoto, H., and Alexander, W.R. (2009). Quality assurance audit of hydrochemical data from surface-based investigations. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (23rd – 25th March 2009), AESJ, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese).
- W. Russell Alexander, Margaret L. L. Honran, Carlo A. Arcilla, Chelo Pascua, Edmundo Vargas, Ian G. McKinley, Kazuto Namiki and Hideki Kawamura (2009). A natural analogue of bentonite alteration by hyperalkaline water: results from the FY’08 field programme in the Philippines. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report 09-01, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W. R. Alexander, K. Ota, T. Niizato and T. Kunimaru. (2009). Palaeohydrogeology in coastal site characterisation: a case study at Horonobe, Japan. Proc. Goldschmidt 2009 Conference, Davos, 22-26 June, 2009. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, A24.
- K. Ota, W. R. Alexander, T. Niizato and T. Kunimaru (2009). Evolution of the hydrochemical system at Horonobe, Japan: an indication from rock matrix porewater chemistry. Proc. Goldschmidt 2009 Conference, Davos, 22-26 June, 2009. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, A980.
- E.Vargas, C.S.Pascua, C.A.Arcilla, M.L.L. Honrado, W.R.Alexander, K.Namiki, N.Fujii, M.Yamakawa, T.Sato and I.G.McKinley (2009). Origin of the Manleluag Hyperalkaline Hot Spring, Philippines. Proc. Goldschmidt 2009 Conference, Davos, 22-26 June, 2009. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, A1375
- C.A.Arcilla, C.S.Pascua, E.Vargas, M.L.L.Honrado, W.R.Alexander, K.Namiki, N.Fujii, M.Yamakawa, T.Sato and I.G.McKinley (2009). Reaction pathways for rising hyperalkaline groundwater in a bentonite mine in the Philippines. Proc. Goldschmidt 2009 Conference, Davos, 22-26 June, 2009. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, A50
- M.L.L.Honrado, C.S.Pascua, E.Vargas, C.A.Arcilla, W.R.Alexander, K.Namiki, N.Fujii, M.Yamakawa, T.Sato and I.G.McKinley (2009). Smectite and zeolite formation from the pyroclastic deposits of the Aksitero Formation, Philippines. Proc. Goldschmidt 2009 Conference, Davos, 22-26 June, 2009. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, A547
- W.R.Alexander & A.E.Milodowski (2009). Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP) Phase II Reconnaissance Trip Report November-December 2008 Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG TR 08-02, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander & A.E.Milodowski (eds) (2010). Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP) Phase II Final Report. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG TR 09-02, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, C.A.Arcilla, C.Pascua and K.Namiki (2010). Natural analogues of bentonite alteration by hyperalkaline water: short overview of the Bigbiga field area, Luzon, Philippines. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Note BG TR 10-01, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- Kunimaru T., Ota K., Amano K. and Alexander W.R. (2010). Development of the quality management system for rock matrix porewaters sampled during surface-based investigations. Proceedings of 2010 Spring Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Mito, Japan, March 26-28 2010, P408. (in Japanese)
- Ota K., Amano K., Niizato T., Alexander W.R. and Lanyon B. (2010). Evaluation of the palaeohydrogeological evolution of the coastal site at Horonobe (1) Project overview. Proceedings of 2010 Spring Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Mito, Japan, March 26-28 2010, P409. (in Japanese)
- Amano K., Niizato T., Ota K., Alexander W.R. and Lanyon B. (2010). Evaluation of the palaeohydrogeological evolution of the coastal site at Horonobe (2) Conceptualisation of geological and climatic processes. Proceedings of 2010 Spring Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Mito, Japan, March 26-28 2010, P419. (in Japanese)
- K.Fujita, T.Sato, R,Nakabayashi, M.Yamakawa, N.Fujii, K.Namiki, C.Pascua, C.A.Arcilla, W.R.Alexander and T.Yoneda (2010). Natural analogue study of the interaction between hyperalkaline groundwater and bentonite at the ophiolite of the Philippines. Proc. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, 23-28 May, 2010, Makuhari, Japan, JGU, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ota, K, Kunimaru, T and Alexander, WR (2011): Establishment of the quality management system for hydrochemical investigations. Proceedings of 2011 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Fukui, Japan, March 28-30 2011, p.263. (in Japanese).
- Amano, K, Niizato, T, Ota, K, Alexander, WR and Lanyon B (2011): Evaluation of the palaeohydrogeological evolution of the coastal site at Horonobe – Assessment of uncertainty in the site evolution model. Proceedings of 2011 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Fukui, Japan, March 28-30 2011, p.241 (in Japanese).
- E.Vargas, C.A.Arcilla and W.R.Alexander (2011). The Manleluag Thermal Spring: a short overview of geological investigations of the site between 2008 and 2010. NIGS (National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of the Philippines) Report to the Dept. of Natural Resources, Manila, Philippines.
- K-J.Röhlig, E.Plischke and W.R.Alexander (2011). Towards a curriculum for IAEA training courses in Radioactive Waste Management: Module tables, model schedules, and selected module sheets. A report by Technische Universität Clausthal, Institut für Endlagerforschung and the ITC School of Underground Waste Storage and Disposal for the IAEA, August 2011. ITC School, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- Chaplow, R., Blechschmidt, I., Alexander, W.R., Lanyon, W.M. and Delay, J. (2011). Enhancing the Capabilities of National Institutions Supporting Nuclear Power Development: Review of Beishan site data to support development of a comprehensive Conceptual Model to be used as the basis for preliminary Safety Assessments. IAEA Expert Mission, end of mission report CPR4032/30/01, Dept of Technical Co-operation, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
- W.R.Alexander and F.B.Neall (2011). NDA RWMD Colloid Strategy Review Workshop. NDA RWMD Harwell, 10-11th March, 2011. MCM International Technical Note to NDA-RWMD, MCM-TN-11-01, MCM International, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- N.A.Chapman, P.Blaser & W.R.Alexander (2012). PETRUS-II PROJECT (Contract Number: FP7 - 232665). Deliverable n°2.1 - PD Learning Process (Instructional) and Prototype (Pilot) PD Programme Plan. Project co-funded by the European Commission under the Euratom Research and Training Programme on Nuclear Energy within the Seventh Framework Programme. EU, Brussels, Belgium.
- W.R.Alexander & E.Scourse (2012). NDA RWMD Underground Investigation Strategy Review Workshop, NDA RWMD, Harwell, UK, 19-20th March, 2012. MCM International Technical Note to NDA-RWMD, MCM-TN-12-03, MCM International, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander & E.Scourse (2012). NDA RWMD Microbiology Strategy Review Workshop, NDA RWMD, Harwell, UK, 14th-15th August, 2012. MCM International Technical Note to NDA-RWMD, MCM-TN-12-04, MCM International, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- C.A.Arcilla, W.R.Alexander, E.Vargas, M.Honrado, T.Sato, K.Fujii, M.Yamakawa, J.Argayosa, J.Lazaro, C.Pascua and I G McKinley (2012). Hyperalkaline Springs, Serpentinized Ultramafics, Bentonite Reaction, Exotic Life Forms and Natural Carbon Sequestration: Preliminary Studies from the Philippines. Proc. EGU General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-9641, 2012.
- Bruno, J., Alexander, W.R., van Loon, L.R. and Thorne, M. (2012). The potential radionuclide migration role of bitumen colloids at SFR. SKB P-13-41, SKB, Stockholm, Sweden.
- W.R.Alexander, C.A.Arcilla, M.Nishimura and K.Namiki (2013). Natural analogues of bentonite reaction with alkaline groundwater: overview of the Bigbiga field area, Luzon, Philippines. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR13-01, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander and A.E.Milodowski (2013). CNAP Phase IV Final Report. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR13-02, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski and S.Norris (2013). Cyprus Natural Analogue Project: what are the benefits to NDA-RWMD? Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR13-04, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski, S.J.Kemp, J.C.Rushton, P.Korkeakoski, S.Norris and P.Sellin (2013). Limited reaction of bentonite and swelling clays in low alkali cement leachates: final results from the Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP). Abstract submitted to Migration 2013 Conference.
- Scourse, E.M., Alexander, W.R., McKinley, I.G., Kawamura, H. and Hardie, S.M.L. (2013). Learning from Fukushima: a holistic approach to tsunami risk assessment. Proc. PSAM (Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management) Conference, 14-18 April 2013, Tokyo, Japan. International Association for Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, USA.
- Cherisse Ferrer, Carlo A. Arcilla, W.Russell Alexander & Masonobu Nishimura (2014). Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) Survey in Bigbiga, Tarlac (2013). Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR14-01 for RWMC (Yokyo, Japan), Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- T.Kunimaru, K.Ota, K.Amano, D.McKie & W.R.Alexander (2014). Development of Site Characterisation QMS for the Japanese National Programme. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR14-02 for JAEA (Tokai, Japan), Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.Kickmaier, W.R.Alexander & I.G.McKinley (2014). International Review Workshop on JAEA’s URL projects, 18th – 20th June 2014, Tokyo & Mizunami, Japan. The continuous role of generic URLs in the Japanese national geological disposal programme. MCM Technical Note MCM-TN-14-04, MCM International, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland.
- Laine, H.M. & Alexander, W.R. (2014). Natural Smectite Occurrences in Potential Repository Host Rocks in Japan and Their Relevance for Evaluation of the Long-term Stability of Smectites in Deep Geological Repositories. AOGS 2014 Book of Abstracts, AOGS, Singapore.
- W.R.Alexander, H.M.Laine & H.Khoury (2015).The long-term durability of low alkali cements: evidence from new natural analogue sites in Europe and North Africa. Abstract (page 28) in S.Fanghänel (ed) Key Topics in Deep Geological Disposal: Conference Report, Köln 2014, DAEF, Berlin. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Scientific Report 7696, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany. DOI: 10.5445/KSP/1000047121
- E.Codillo, P.A.Benavides, C.A.Arcilla, R.Samosa & W.R.Alexander (2015). Report on a preliminary reconnaissance of southern Palawan and Botolan (Zambales): the search for sites to study low alkali cement/bentonite interaction. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR14-02, Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander, H.M.Reijonen & A.Siathas (2015c). Long-term performance of bentonite (LPB): potential load displacement of the bentonite buffer around radioactive waste containers. Phase I - site reconnaissance. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR15-01 for NRA (Tokyo, Japan), Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- H.M.Reijonen & W.R.Alexander (2015). Long-term performance of bentonite (LPB): potential load displacement of the bentonite buffer around radioactive waste containers. Phase IIa – preliminary sampling and further site reconnaissance. Bedrock Geosciences Technical Report BG-TR15-02 for NRA (Tokyo, Japan), Bedrock Geosciences, Auenstein, Switzerland.
- W.R.Alexander and A.E.Milodowski (2015). Natural analogue evidence for long-term, limited reactivity of bentonite in low alkali cement leachate. Extended abstract in, Book of Abstracts, Proc. Conf. on Key Topics in Deep Geological Disposal, DAEF, Cologne, Germany, 25-26 September, 2014. KIT Scientific Publishing, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Alexander, W.R., Ruskeeniemi, T. and Reijonen, H.M. (eds) (2015a). Proceedings (abstract book) of the NAWG-14 Workshop, Rauma, Finland, 9-11 June, 2015. Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Guide 61. GTK, Espoo, Finland.
- E.P.Kremer & W.R.Alexander (2015). Long-term durability of shaft sealing materials under highly saline groundwater conditions. In Alexander, W.R., Ruskeeniemi, T. and Reijonen, H.M. (eds) (2015). Proceedings (abstract book) of the NAWG-14 Workshop, Rauma, Finland, 9-11 June, 2015. Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Guide 61. GTK, Espoo, Finland.
- Milodowski, A.E., Norris, S. & Alexander, W.R. (2015). Minimal alteration of montmorillonite following long-term reaction in natural alkali solutions: implications for geological disposal of radioactive waste. In Alexander, W.R., Ruskeeniemi, T. and Reijonen, H.M. (eds) (2015). Proceedings (abstract book) of the NAWG-14 Workshop, Rauma, Finland, 9-11 June, 2015. Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Guide 61. GTK, Espoo, Finland.
- N.Fujii, M.Yamakawa, et al. (2015). Alkaline alteration processes of bentonite sediment in the Philippines natural analogue and perspective on the survey of the active type. In Alexander, W.R., Ruskeeniemi, T. and Reijonen, H.M. (eds) (2015). Proceedings (abstract book) of the NAWG-14 Workshop, Rauma, Finland, 9-11 June, 2015. Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Guide 61. GTK, Espoo, Finland.
- W.R.Alexander & H.M.Reijonen (2015). Thermal alteration of bentonite (TAB): Isn’t it time we got it right? In Alexander, W.R., Ruskeeniemi, T. and Reijonen, H.M. (eds) (2015). Proceedings (abstract book) of the NAWG-14 Workshop, Rauma, Finland, 9-11 June, 2015. Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Guide 61. GTK, Espoo, Finland.
- H.M.Reijonen & W.R.Alexander (2015). Bentonite analogues for the geological disposal of radioactive waste – current status and future outlook. In Alexander, W.R., Ruskeeniemi, T. and Reijonen, H.M. (eds) (2015). Proceedings (abstract book) of the NAWG-14 Workshop, Rauma, Finland, 9-11 June, 2015. Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Guide 61. GTK, Espoo, Finland.
- S.Norris, W.R.Alexander, A.E.Milodowski, J.M.West & F.McEvoy (2015). Using natural analogues to build stakeholder confidence in geological disposal – A catalogue of natural analogues for radioactive waste management. In Alexander, W.R., Ruskeeniemi, T. and Reijonen, H.M. (eds) (2015). Proceedings (abstract book) of the NAWG-14 Workshop, Rauma, Finland, 9-11 June, 2015. Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Guide 61. GTK, Espoo, Finland.
- W.Russell Alexander, G.Kamei, H.N.Khoury, I.D.Clark & J.A.T.Smellie (2016). What can the 2 Ma natural cements of Jordan tell us about the likely long-term behaviour of cementitious wastes? Abstract in Proceedings of the Goldschmidt 2016 conference, Yokohama, 26th June – 1st July, 2016. See
- Shimbashi M, Sato T, Otake T, Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Nishimura M, Miyoshi S, Samosa R, Arcilla C, Satoh H & Alexander W.R (2016). Smectite and C-S-H Formation Under Hyperalkaline Conditions at Narra in Palawan, Philippines. Abstract in Proceedings of the Goldschmidt 2016 conference, Yokohama, 26th June – 1st July, 2016. See
- Yamada S, Ota K. & Alexander W.R. (2016). The Use of Self-Analogue Information to Investigate the Long-Term Stability of the Geological Environment. Abstract in Proceedings of the Goldschmidt 2016 conference, Yokohama, 26th June – 1st July, 2016. See
- Amano K. & Alexander W.R. (2016). How to Use Hydrochemical Data to Improve Long-Term Groundwater Flow Simulations? Abstract in Proceedings of the Goldschmidt 2016 conference, Yokohama, 26th June – 1st July, 2016. See
- Ota K., Yamada S., Fujiyama T. & Alexander W.R. (2016). The Use of Natural System Evidence in NUMO’s Pre-Selection Site-Specific Safety Case. Abstract in Proceedings of the Goldschmidt 2016 conference, Yokohama, 26th June – 1st July, 2016. See
- Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Sato T, Shimbashi M, Nishimura M, Miyoshi S, Satoh H, Arcilla C, Samosa R & Alexander WR (2016). Hyperalkaline Natural Analogue Potential at Central Palawan in the Philippines. Abstract in Proceedings of the Goldschmidt 2016 conference, Yokohama, 26th June – 1st July, 2016. See
- Reijonen H.M. & Alexander W.R. (2016). In situ Bentonites: Describing Repository Relevant Processes. Abstract in Proceedings of the Goldschmidt 2016 conference, Yokohama, 26th June – 1st July, 2016. See
- Samosa R, Arcilla C, Sato T, Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Nishimura M & Alexander WR (2016). Carbon Sequestration by Hyperalkaline Springs in Palawan, Philippines: Geochemical Constraints and Implications. Abstract in Proceedings of the Goldschmidt 2016 conference, Yokohama, 26th June – 1st July, 2016. See
- W.R.Alexander (2021). NUMO 2020SC - multiple lines of evidence for safety. Commercial-in-Confidence Supporting Report 7-5 to NUMO-TR-21-01, NUMO, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese).
- Alexander, W.R., Uroic, G. & Veinovic, Z. (2022). Use of Natural Analogues to Support the Safety Case for a Radioactive Waste Repository. Extended abstract in Proc. HND2022 Conference, Zadar, Croatia. Croatian Nuclear Society, Zagreb, Croatia (in press).
- Uroic, G., Veinovic, Z. & Alexander, W.R. (2022). KBS-3V And Axial Canister Emplacement Of SNF - Comparison of Disposal Concepts. Proc. HND2022 Conference, Zadar, Croatia. Croatian Nuclear Society, Zagreb, Croatia (in press).